The Ministry of Finance has adopted the Rulebook on the Customs Procedure for Supplying Means of Transport in International Traffic, the Types of Goods, and Quantity Limitations

(“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 127/24 dated 27.12.2024)

This Rulebook prescribes the details for the customs procedure of clearance of goods used for the supply of means of transport in international traffic (maritime and air), the types of goods, and quantity limitations.

Ships, yachts, and boats, when departing from ports, shipyards, or the customs territory of Montenegro, may, under customs supervision, be supplied with foodstuffs and other necessary goods from customs warehouses and warehouses located in the free zone.

Concerning the supply of vessels with fuel and lubricants, this Rulebook stipulates the procedure for refueling vessels with such goods before leaving territorial waters, after which an authorization for free traffic, manifest, vignette, or crew list must be submitted. A new provision compared to the previous regulations is the possibility for private vessels to be supplied with fuel and lubricants under customs supervision and without payment of import duties before leaving territorial waters. Private vessels are those used by their owners or under lease for recreation or for the transport of passengers and goods without charge.

The provision specifies that this facilitation can be utilized under the condition that private vessels must remain in Montenegro’s territorial waters for at least 72 hours, counting from the day following their entry into Montenegro. After refueling, vessels are required to leave Montenegro’s territorial waters but may return afterward.

The supply of a vessel is approved by the customs authority based on a request and accompanying evidence of the time and date of entry into Montenegro. Customs supervision is conducted based on the invoice or delivery note issued by a legal entity, which must be completed and certified in accordance with this Rulebook. The invoice and delivery note must be prepared in at least five numbered copies. The customs authority at the port or harbor certifies all copies of the invoices and delivery notes, one copy of which is retained by the customs warehouse, the legal entity, and the customs authority. The remaining copies accompany the goods and are handed to the vessel’s captain or an authorized crew member, who must confirm receipt of the goods by signing or stamping one copy of the invoice and delivery note in the presence of a customs officer.

This Customs Procedure Rulebook enters into force on the eighth day after its publication in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro”

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